Media Kit


Author | Trainer

Welcome to the Karen Lee Morton media site, with downloadable high resolution photos, and information on my book, I Know Me.

All of my content takes you from hidden biases and emotions-based reactivity to healthy, fact-based action and decision-making in any situation.

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I am an author and trainer moving you from reactive emotions to fact-based conversations, decisions, and actions. My work is grounded in the well-documented embodied emotions and metaphor research.


"We live in an increasingly uncivil world, one that can even be hostile to what we might consider rational and good-faith discourse."
The Rt. Hon. Richard Wagner
Chief Justice of Canada

I help you begin or continue changing the conversations. “Good-faith discourse” can only happen when you recognize the role your (often hidden) emotions play in your opinions and decisions. The transformation process, which is more intuitive than logical, is where I help you shine.


Prior to my focus on writing and working with people one-on-one:

  • Master’s degree dispute resolution | UVic 2008
  • Training design, development, & delivery | 1988-2002
  • Human Rights Awareness self-study workbook with training program purchased by BC Human Rights Commission | 2000
  • Delivered public workshops throughout BC on sexual orientation, schools, and the Human Rights Code | ~ 2000
    • National, provincial, and local radio, television, and newspaper interviews
  • Originated (mandatory) human rights | diversity training for 1000 employees (City of Ottawa) | early 90’s

I Know Me: 7 rhyming stories for all ages


The stories "introduce a conflict-free environment... offering students, and supporting teachers and parents, with a new language and skill set to begin healing bullying and victim behaviour."
Ontario Ministry of Education
Registry of Bullying Prevention Programs
The stories "introduce a conflict-free environment... offering students, and supporting teachers and parents, with a new language and skill set to begin healing bullying and victim behaviour."
Bev Henri
retired teacher
"Karen's work is unique in its genre: the descriptive images she brings to life will bring the young reader to a place of understanding and of gentle self-compassion."
Francine Proulx-Kenzle
former president, PFLAG Canada
I Know Me book cover

"Offers a new language and skill set"

  • 7 stories to entice your imagination
  • easy reading: limited text per page
  • 59 images in the digital version

Simple way to remember the basics

Child wearing a cape, eye mask, and rain boots, standing with their hands on their hips, in front of a large old tree with very large roots.
Roots Out Your Boots!

Imagine strong tree roots grounding you into the earth.

As the sunlight shines in a blue sky, the flower goes from closed, to partly open, to fully open.
One With The Sun!

Picture yourself growing up and into the sun to feel connected.

Child smiling with their arms spread wide, as large soap bubbles float all around them.
Bright Light Bubble!

Visualize the sun filling you up and spreading out far to create your own positive personal space.